Sen. Joe Manchin Won’t Support Dem’s Climate Agenda and Tax Hikes

Sen. Joe Manchin may be a Democrat. But he isn’t afraid to oppose his party’s politically motivated agenda… and that’s a good thing. It shows that he’s not just blindly following the far left. He’s willing to stand up for his beliefs, even if it means going against his party.

The fact that he is willing to go against his party shows that he is an independent thinker. He is someone who puts the needs of his constituents first. 

Manchin is a man of integrity. He knows his state and country’s best interests are not always aligned with the liberal’s agenda. By opposing the dems, Manchin has been able to delay the far left’s politically motivated agenda. We remember the Democratic senator for:

The American leader continues to stand firm against all odds. This would mean clashing with fellow lawmakers in the Democratic party.

Sen. Manchin Stalls Dem’s Climate Agenda and Tax Hikes

Sen. Manchin was firm when he said that he wouldn’t support a bill before the midterm elections… with any provisions on the following:

Moreover, Manchin told Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer that he is only willing to support a reconciliation bill in August that includes:

  • Provision to lower prescription drug prices
  • Two-year extension of subsidies for the Affordable Care Act

Sen. Manchin’s spokesperson Sam Runyon said in a statement to Fox News Digital. He said, “Political headlines are of no value to the millions of Americans struggling to afford groceries and gas as inflation soars.”

The American leader thinks that the far-left should be realistic with their bills… and consider the economic status. Runyon added, “Senator Manchin believes it’s time for leaders to put political agendas aside, reevaluate and adjust to the country’s economic realities. This will help avoid taking steps that fuel the inflation fire.”

Liberal Media Scorns Sen. Manchin; Former Dem Leader Wants Him Out of the Party

The liberal media scorns Sen. Joe Manchin as he continues to stall on the far-left agenda.  The New York Times accused him of having “dealt a crushing blow to President Biden’s domestic agenda.”

The Times wrote, “Mr. Manchin has stalled Mr. Biden’s economic package. [He] dealt a devastating blow to his party’s efforts to enact a broad social safety net, climate, and tax package.”

Then they added, “Democrats had slashed their ambitions for such a plan to win over Mr. Manchin. [They are] hoping that he would agree to support even a fraction of the sweeping initiative. His abrupt shift appeared to dash those aspirations.”

Moreover, former Democratic Labor Secretary Robert Reich believes it’s time for the party to kick Sen. Manchin out. The far-left believes that they “already lost control over the Senate.” Now, they cannot get anything done despite appearing to have power. 

Reich wrote, “By kicking Manchin out of the party… Democrats could at least go into the midterms with a more realistic pitch. Maybe this way, they’ll pick up more real Democratic senators and do it.”

The fact that the far-left is agitated by Sen. Manchin’s actions means that he’s doing something right. He is a leader that our patriots will always support no matter what happens.

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One Thought to “Sen. Joe Manchin Won’t Support Dem’s Climate Agenda and Tax Hikes”

  1. […] Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia has refused to endorse Biden’s potential re-election campaign in 2024. Right now, he’s siding more with conservative projects rather than supporting his party. […]

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